Do we have up to date information about you? Find out more here.

Raven is committed to ensuring that customers who are disabled or vulnerable (through their life circumstances) aren’t at a disadvantage when accessing our services. We will make reasonable adjustments to give everybody an equitable outcome.

A reasonable adjustment can be:

  • A physical alternation to one of our homes (eg, fitting handrails or a ramp)
  • A change to one of our policies, procedures or services
  • An adjustment in how we communicate

To make sure that our policy reflects the needs of customers, we have consulted with customers on the ways in which we can tailor our services. If you have any further feedback on what reasonable adjustments we should consider please fill out the form here or contact us by email or call 0300 123 3399.

Some of the adjustments we are putting in place are:

Vision impaired

  • Large print newsletter on request
  • Read Aloud option available on website
  • Large font option available on website

Hearing impaired

  • Texting information/appointments
  • Emailing you as the main form of contact

Physical disability

  • Adaptations to the home following assessments
  • Understanding your needs when work is being carried out or visiting your home

Literacy and numeracy

  • Communicating with you via phone and in-person conversations
  • ‘Read to me’ function available on Raven website

Non English speaker

  • ‘Read to me’ function available on Raven website
  • Translation of essential documents (eg legal) into the required language


The overall objective of the policy is to ensure that we are able to make reasonable adjustments for our customers, who reside in general needs, supported or temporary accommodation who receive the services and assistance they require to sustain their tenancy. To achieve this, we will:

  • record any vulnerabilities on the customer record and keep this up to date
  • use all available information to identify if a customer is vulnerable
  • take account of known vulnerability factors in the provision of services and in decisions around tenancy management and enforcement
  • assist vulnerable residents in accessing additional services that they may need
  • record any known representatives who act as a ‘delegated authority’ or with power of attorney to act on the residents behalf
  • consider any additional needs due to the vulnerability and where appropriate vary our service delivery to ensure vulnerable residents still receive the same level of service
  • make appropriate referrals to Raven’s own advice and support and tenancy sustainment services to provide enhanced support where appropriate to do so
  • refer to statutory agencies and other external partner support agencies where appropriate
  • make safeguarding referrals whenever needed


Did you know, you are able to update all your customer details on your MyRaven online account?

Take me to MyRaven


If you don’t have a login please contact Customer Services on 0300 123 3399 or who can help to get you set up.


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