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Raven CEO named on Climate Champions Power List

We have been recognised as one of the leading housing providers tackling climate change, as our chief executive, Jonathan Higgs, was named on a new list of ‘climate champions’.

Jonathan was included in the 30-strong Climate Champions Power List, announced at the Homes UK event in December 2020.

Individuals on the list were credited by a panel of expert judges for their work ‘leading the way to net zero-carbon in UK housing’ through innovative solutions to tackle the climate emergency.

Raven was one of the first UK housing associations to fully evaluate its existing carbon footprint and the investment needed to achieve net zero-carbon by the government deadline of 2050.

Jonathan said: “I am very proud the work of everyone at Raven has been recognised, as we strive to respond to the climate emergency and provide our customers with homes fit for the future.

“The project we began in November 2019 to review our carbon footprint showed it will costs around £20,000 per home to ensure they are net zero-carbon by 2050. The scale of this change offers huge opportunities for our customers and their communities”

Jonathan added: “We have a great team at Raven, and are committed to collaboration across the sector to achieve the best possible outcomes.  There is so much to do, and time is against us.”

In addition to exploring the cost of retrofitting existing homes, Raven is ensuring the new homes it builds make use of modern methods of construction and technologies to be net zero-carbon.

As part of its commitment to share the findings of its sustainability work, Raven hosted a series of three webinars in 2020, exploring the ‘Journey to Net Zero-Carbon’. These heard from a range of sector experts – including Lord Richard Best and former National Housing Federation Building Better sustainability lead, Helen Grieg – on new homes, retrofit and how housing providers can lead the way on rising to the climate change challenge.

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