Find out more about preventing condensation and what to do if you notice mould in your home here

It’s Big Energy Week! 10 ways to save energy at home

It’s Big Energy Saving Week across the UK (17 – 22 January 2023), which shares ways you can reduce your energy use and know where to get help if you’re struggling. Our Moneywise team has put together 10 ideas of ways you can save energy at home.

Please remember, if you’re struggling with the cost of your energy, contact our Moneywise team for free and confidential help and advice via your MyRaven account or by calling 0300 123 3399. Your local Citizens Advice can also provide advice.

10 ways to save energy at home

  • Replace your light bulbs with energy efficient light bulbs
  • Use a bowl to wash up instead of running a tap
  • Reduce your washing machine use by one wash a week
  • Only fill the kettle with the water you need
  • Spend a minute less in the shower each day
  • Turn your lights off if you’re not using them
  • Turn your appliances off instead of leaving them in stand-by mode, including things like mobile phone and laptop charges
  • Consider reducing the thermostat on your heating by 1ºC. Doing this could save you 10% on your heating bill. Keep in mind though that you should still heat your home to a sufficient level as a cold home can lead to medical problems, especially in those who are elderly or unwell
  • Close your curtains before it gets dark to stop heat escaping through your windows
  • If you’re having a bath, run the cold tap first to help with temperature control rather than after you have filled the bath with hot water. It reduces condensation and means that you’re not wasting energy by putting too much hot water into your bath
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