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Preparing for new Tenant Satisfaction Measures

We’re regulated by The Regulator of Social Housing to make sure that we provide good quality homes and services for our customers. 

The Regulator of Social Housing has created a new set of Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) to check that we are providing customers with good quality homes and services. We are asked to gather feedback from our customers through regular telephone surveys. The new TSMs will come in to effect from April 2023, but we are currently piloting the new questions. At Raven, we already regularly conduct telephone surveys with customers that broadly ask very similar questions to the new TSMs.  

Shuna China, customer engagement manager at Raven Housing Trust, said: “Customers’ answers to these questions are incredibly valuable to us as they help us to know what we’re doing well and where we can improve, so we are always very thankful for customers’ time in answering them. Whilst the new TSMs broadly cover similar questions to what we already ask customers, there are some new questions. We believe they will help us to identify more areas of improvement so that we can provide customers with even better homes and services.” 

The 12 new TSMs are divided in to four areas: 

  1. Satisfaction with the services you receive  
  2. Satisfaction with the way you are treated by your landlord  
  3. Satisfaction with your neighbourhood and community  
  4. Health and safety and regulatory compliance  

Further information about the new Tenant Satisfaction Measures and how we are including them in our regular telephone surveys, please visit – Tenant Satisfaction Measures – Raven Housing Trust ( 

If you have any specific questions about the new TSMs or how the data is used, please contact us on 0300 123 399 or email 

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