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Introducing our new grounds maintenance partner

We’re delighted to announce that we have brought Groundscapes Limited on board as our new grounds maintenance contractor. They started their contract in December 2022, so you may have seen them out in your local community already.

Angela Fitzpatrick, procurement manager at Raven, said: “We’re thrilled to have Groundscapes on board and congratulate them on such an impressive bid. We’re pleased to have taken on a local company that hires local people, including many Raven customers. They share our promise to customers to maintain welcoming and enjoyable neighbourhoods to live in.”

We had a tough two-stage tender process last year for grounds maintenance to make sure we’re getting the quality and best value for money on our contracts. It was essential for us to ensure our customers were at the heart of the future contract, so our Estates Manager and our Customer Engagement Manager were both important members of the interview panel, bringing the customer view to the discussion to highlight and focus on the areas of grounds maintenance that needed improvement.

With our new partnership, you’ll start to see some changes that will make a big impact to where you live. Some of the improvements you’ll see are:

  • regular inspections to make sure the work they’re doing meets our standards
  • a key focus on investing time in our estates to keep them looking their best
  • a commitment from Groundscapes to keeping lines of communication open with us and you

Glyn Elliott, neighbourhood warden and estates manager at Raven, said: “We’re really enjoying working with Groundscapes, and we’re pleased with their work so far. They understand our customers’ expectations for communal gardens and grounds and we’ll work together to keep our communities looking great.”

Lauren McCready-Carter, customer relationship manager at Groundscapes, said: “We are excited to be partnering with Raven as your new Grounds maintenance contractors. We are dedicated to providing the highest level of service in your communities.”

The contract is for a maximum of five years and will reviewed annually and monitored by our Grounds Maintenance & Arboricultural Officer and Estates & Facilities Managers.


What is covered by the Groundscapes team where I live?

Our grounds maintenance photobook sets out what standards you can expect from the shared outdoor area around your home, read it here.


If you would like more information, please send us an email –









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