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Laptop donated to local charity

We’re delighted to announce that we’ve recently made a donation of a laptop to a local charity, Renewed Hope. At Raven, we’re dedicated to promoting digital inclusion and recognise the importance of access to technology in today’s world. We’re committed to helping our customers and the local charities who support them to have good access to technology.


Renewed Hope is a self-funded charity dedicated to providing important support to the vulnerable and homeless people in Reigate, Redhill and the surrounding areas.

The laptop we donated will help Renewed Hope to provide digital support. This will give access to online resources such as job applications, access to benefits, email and online banking.


Anna Coe, Project Coordinator at Renewed Hope, said: “This will enable our support worker to support the guests to independently maintain their own digital needs. So many of them do not have their own computer or laptops and this will mean they can have independent access to such services as Universal Credit and local council forms. It will be used in our drop-in day support hub where we also have volunteers who can help guests with filling in forms and other tasks.”


Colin, digital inclusion officer at Raven, said: “We help our customers to have additional and easier access to technology through our digital inclusion work and this donation to Renewed Hope Trust will further enhance this.”


Find out more about our digital inclusion team and help to get online here.

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