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Raven team member talking to customer

28 Apr 2023

Our excellent customer service recognised for twelfth year

We’re delighted to have retained our prestigious Customer Service Excellence (CSE) accreditation for the twelfth year running! CSE is awarded to public organisations that can prove they know and understand their customers and deliver high quality services which are continuously improving. This accreditation is awarded following a thorough and robust assessment from an external inspector […]

Neighbourhood warden, Conrad, with the 'Easter Bunny'

20 Apr 2023

Woodhatch Easter Fun Day and the Great Merstham Litter Pick

We had a brilliant time at the weekend in Woodhatch and Merstham getting involved in some fantastic community events!   On Saturday we were at the Woodhatch Easter Fun Day at Woodhatch Community Centre and here’s Conrad, one of our neighbourhood wardens, with the Easter bunny (Neil, another of our neighbourhood wardens!) It was a […]

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