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Help with getting into work – Work Smart Surrey & Sussex project launch

We’re really pleased to announce that we have won National Lottery funding for a new five-year employment support project called ‘Work Smart Surrey & Sussex’.

We’re running the project with partners – Saxon Weald, Town & Country Housing, Reigate and Banstead Borough Council, Surrey County Council, East Surrey College and the charity Good Company. The aim of the project is reduce or remove the barriers that you might be facing to get a job or better paid work.

How we can help you

Our employment support services include:

  • Expert advice: you’ll get professional help with finding the right job for you, support with challenges, writing your CV, job applications, skills and training.
  • Additional help: you’ll receive financial support where needed with childcare costs, travel expenses and training course fees

How to get started

If you think you could benefit from help from the Work Smart Surrey & Sussex programme, you can get in touch by emailing or raising an enquiry through MyRaven.

Our employment support team will get in touch to talk through how it works and check you meet the criteria – you must be currently unemployed or on a low income.


To find out more about our employment support, click here.

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