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Disrepair claims scam warning to customers

We have been made aware that some customers are being contacted by companies who claim to specialise in disrepair claims that describe themselves as claims management companies. In many cases these companies exploit customers that live in housing association properties, persuading them to use their services to make a disrepair claim relating to issues in their home on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis.

They may contact you directly and encourage you to make a claim against your housing provider but then pass your details onto a ‘no win, no fee’ solicitor for a profit. They may not always be acting with your best interest at heart, and quite often they will take of any compensation won.

If you’re unhappy with any aspect of our service, including how we’ve handled repairs, then we encourage you to use our complaints process. We have a positive complaints culture at Raven, looking to put things right and learn from what went wrong. We also pay compensation if we’ve not followed our processes and procedures. Find out how to make a complaint here.


Here’s how to protect yourself:

  • Question unexpected visitors: If someone you are not expecting contacts you about making a claim for disrepair, be cautious. Genuine callers will not contact you out of the blue. We would not come to your home un-announced to carry out repairs or discuss repairs. We would have made an appointment to visit you and all of our staff carry ID badges. If you’re unsure, please take their details and call us immediately to check their identity. We can also arrange for a password to be set when appointments are made so you can check the visitor is who they say they are.
  • Understand the risks: Many of these ‘no win, no fee’ offers can lead to hidden fees or sharing your personal information with fraudsters. Always thoroughly research any company or solicitor before sharing any information.
  • Are they genuine? If you’re considering a claim, get in touch with us or speak to friends or family about it first. We can provide guidance on how to address any disrepair issues safely. Always take time to check through any documentation you receive and if possible, get independent legal advice. You can often get free legal advice through Citizen’s Advice Bureau, your local Law Centre, and other charitable organisations. Check for hidden costs and do not pay any money up-front.
  • Don’t rush into anything: Scammers often create a sense of urgency. Take your time to think things through and discuss with someone you trust.

If you feel unsafe, please call the police, and let us know. You can call us on 0300 123 3399 to check if someone is a member of our team.

For more information about claims management scams visit the Housing Ombudsman – Claims Management Scams

If you’re worried you have been a victim of a scam or fraud, contact Action Fraud at 0300 123 2040 or via their website Action Fraud.

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