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Customer account (MyRaven) FAQs

Repairs FAQs

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Tenancy FAQs

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If you have an emergency out-of-hours repair please call 0300 123 3399 and follow the instructions. If you need other services, such as reporting a repair or paying your rent, you can do this through your MyRaven online account.

If you’d like to live in a Raven home you should apply to join your local council’s housing register. Our Allocations policy about who we can home work together with your council’s allocations policy, so checks are done to ensure you meet all of these conditions. For more information see applying for a home.

The easiest way to report a non-urgent repair is through your MyRaven online account.

Book a repair

If you have an emergency repair please call 0300 123 3399. If this is outside of our usual opening hours (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm), please follow the instructions on the telephone. To see what is classed as urgent and non-urgent repairs see maintaining my home.

See my repair responsibilities for a list of examples that you’re responsible for. We’re responsible for repairs to the structure and outside of your home and for the supply of water, gas, electricity, heating and toilet sanitation.

Registering is quick and easy. Use the below ‘Register’ button and follow the onscreen instructions. You’ll need to use the email address you have already given us. You’ll also need either:

  • Your ‘Tenancy reference number’ which is a 7-figure number and will begin with the numbers ‘50’ e.g. 5012345
  • Or your ‘Agreement number’ which starts with a ‘T’ e.g. T000054321.

If you can’t find either of these, please refer to your tenancy agreement or contact us and Customer Services can help.

You’ll then be sent an email with a link to activate your account. Once done, you’ll be able to log in straight away!


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You can recover your password using the following link.

Forgotten my password

After 10 failed attempts on a smartphone or 5 on any other device, you’ll be locked out of your account for 15 minutes, after which time you’ll be able to attempt to login again.

You can raise a complaint through your MyRaven online account.

Raise a complaint

You can then track the complaint and see its progress.

Track my complaint

For more information see making a complaint.


In the first instance please check your tenancy agreement to see if this is allowed. Some homes are on managed estates and these have additional rules which may prohibit pets. In other places, certain pets may be permitted on application through your MyRaven online account (link below). Please note, where permission is granted, this only applies to the specific pets mentioned.

Request permission to keep a pet

You can do this through your MyRaven online account.

Report ASB

For more information about how we tackle anti-social behaviour see neighbourhood issues.

Your tenancy agreement will detail whether you have any Right to Buy or Right to Acquire your home. For more information see can I buy my home.

You may be able to swap your home for another Raven home or with another social housing property somewhere else in the country. The best place to look is the Homeswapper website, which our eligible customers can join for free. See swapping my home for more information.

Most of our leasehold homes can be sublet but we’ll need an address and contact details from you. Please note, shared ownership homes and retirement scheme homes cannot be sublet.

See paying my rent and charges for the many different ways of pay your rent. Remember you can conveniently pay your rent any time through your MyRaven online account.

Pay my rent

A quarterly rent statement will be posted to you or you can check anytime on your MyRaven online account. Log into the portal using the below link, select ‘Manage agreement’ on your property address, then you’ll see your account details, statements and charges breakdown.

Check my balance

If you’re struggling to pay your rent, it’s important that you speak with your income officer who can support you through this time. There are lots of different ways we can help through offering advice and support. We have a whole section on our website dedicated to this – help with money and benefits.

In Redhill, Surrey, there is a fantastic charity called Furnistore who sell pre-loved items at affordable prices, with a 50% discount for people on means-tested benefits. See where to get extra support for more information on other local organisations that may be able to help.

If your gas boiler, central heating or hot water is not working please call our gas contractor Sureserve Compliance (formerly known as Gas Call Services) directly on 0330 002 1169.

Our gas contractors Sureserve Compliance (formerly known as Gas Call Services) will write to you ten months after your last gas safety check. The letter will offer you an am or pm slot on a specific date, or the opportunity to call them to arrange an appointment. See gas and electrical safety checks for more information.

It’s our legal duty to gain access to your home to undertake certain work. This ‘essential maintenance’ work includes gas and electrical safety checks. Your tenancy agreement also states you must allow us in to carry out these important safety checks.

Can’t find an answer to your question? We’re here to help.

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