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Planning secured for zero carbon affordable homes development

Surrey and Sussex-based housing provider Raven Housing Trust has secured planning permission, subject to Section 106 agreement, to build 32 net zero carbon affordable homes, on the site of the former Pells Church of England School, in Lewes.

The development will be Raven’s second net zero carbon new build scheme, which will provide much-needed affordable homes for local people that are both warm and comfortable, but also affordable to heat.

The scheme, which Raven will design and build, will comprise two-bedroom and three-bedroom semi-detached homes for shared ownership and one-bedroom and two-bedroom flats for affordable rent – four of which will be available at Lewes low-cost housing rent.

The new homes are due to be completed by late 2023 and will be built using Modern Methods of Construction (MMC). This approach aims to help positively drive environmental and material efficiency of the development; as well as significantly reduce the number of deliveries to site and the impact on the existing local community.

Ali Bennett, Director of Development at Raven, said: “We are really pleased to secure planning permission for this 100% affordable development as part of our ambitious programme to provide new homes locally.

“Across all our developments we are always looking at ways we can deliver new homes in the most sustainable way possible and the use of MMC on this particular project will significantly reduce the impact on the environment during the construction phase.”

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