Find our more about preventing condensation and what to do if you notice mould in your home here

Do we have up to date information about you?

As part of our three-year plan, Delivering What Matters, we want to deliver the services you need, in the best way for you. To do this, we need to get to know you better.

Please log into MyRaven to check and complete the ‘My Details’ section to let us know more about you. If you’d prefer, you can call us to update your details on 0300 123 3399.

By telling us your first language, as well as letting us know about any impairments, physical health, mental health or neurodiversity information, we can make any necessary adjustments to our services to improve your experience of the service you receive. has been blocked due to your cookie preferences, you can change those by clicking on the cookie button on any page.


Everyone who checks and updates their information will be entered into a monthly prize draw in August and September. Each month, we’ll be giving away three cash prizes: one £100 prize and two £50 prizes.

Why update your information?

  • Personalised support – by knowing your preferred language, we can arrange translation services to make sure you fully understand all important information.
  • Accessibility – if we know about your physical impairments, we can make reasonable adjustments. For example, if you struggle with mobility or are hard of hearing, our repairs team will know to wait longer for you to answer the door.
  • Mental health or neurodiversity considerations – understanding these needs will allow us to create a more supportive environment for you. For example, minimising disruption during repair works and other visits.

Your privacy is important to us

You can trust that all the information you provide will be kept safe and secure and only used to improve your experience with us.

Need help?

If you don’t have access to MyRaven, signing up is easy. You’ll need your tenancy number and an email address. Head to to register. If you need help, you can call us on 0300 123 3399.

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