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Key areas in the Housing Ombudsman Handling Code

  • Universal definition of a complaint.
  • Providing easy access to the complaints procedure and ensuring residents are aware of it, including their right to access the Housing Ombudsman Service.
  • The structure of the complaints procedure – only two stages necessary and clear timeframes set out for responses.
  • Ensuring fairness in complaint handling with a resident-focused process.
  • Taking action to put things right and appropriate remedies.
  • Creating a positive complaint handling culture through continuous learning and improvement.
  • Demonstrating learning in Annual Reports.
  • The Code is part of the Ombudsman’s new powers in the revised Housing Ombudsman Scheme.

Our self-assessment

Landlords were asked to self-assess against the Code, which was recently updated in 2024, and publish the results. We have been working with customers throughout this process and since the last self-assessment, on areas where there was room for improvement.

Here is our response to the most recent self-assessment – Housing Ombudsman Service – Raven Housing Trust self assessment 2024.

More details on the updated Complaint Handling Code can be found on the Housing Ombudsman website.

Annual complaints performance and service improvement plan

This report, for our Board and customers, is a full overview of our complaint handling performance, insights gained, and lessons learned for the 2023-24 financial year.

The Housing Ombudsman Service’s new Complaint Handling Code (published 1st April 2024) gives guidance on the information that should be in this annual report, including our Board’s response to this report.

You can download the full report here – Raven’s Annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Plan 2023-24

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