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Terms and conditions

  1. The Licence shall be weekly, commencing 12 noon on a Monday. The Licence will continue from week to week until determined by the licensee or Raven Housing Trust (“Raven”). To determine this Licence, subject to the conditions of the clauses below, at least one clear week’s Notice to Quit shall be given in writing by either the Licensee or Raven expiring at 12 noon on a Monday.
  2. The weekly charge for the garage shall be the amount stated on the signed Licence and is subject to an annual increase. One month’s advance payment is required on the signing of the agreement and the charge shall be payable weekly in advance thereafter on a Monday. Keys will be provided on receipt of the payment in advance.  Payments must be made by direct debit.
  3. If the Licensee is a resident of Raven and the rent on the Licensee’s home falls into arrears, the Licensee may be issued with a Notice to Quit on the Licence of the garage.
  4. Failure to maintain payments for the garage will result in Raven issuing a Notice to Quit. Once this has expired, the Licensee will be expected to return the keys to Raven even if the balance owed has been paid. Failure to do so will lead Raven to carry out a lock change for which the Licensee will be charged and this will be added to the Licensee’s account, in addition to any other related costs.
  5. If any items remain in the garage after termination of the Licence, the Licensee will be charged for the clearance of these items. Until the garage is cleared and returned to Raven with the keys, the Licensee will also continue to be charged the licence fee at a daily rate based on the weekly charge.  If Raven, for whatever reason (and without obligation), keep any items at another location after the garage is returned to Raven, the Licensee will be charged for their storage on a daily basis at the same rate until the items are collected by the Licensee or disposed of by Raven.
  6. Any Notice issued to the Licensee shall be deemed sufficiently served if posted or delivered to his/her last known address.
  7. Any Notice given by the Licensee to Raven should be delivered to, Raven Housing Trust, Raven House, 29 Linkfield Lane, Redhill, Surrey RH1 1SS. The Licensee’s account will not be closed until all keys used to secure the garage are returned and the garage recovered by Raven in an empty and satisfactory condition.
  8. All items stored in the garage are at the user’s own risk and Raven does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage to items stored in the garage, including:- Motor Vehicles, Motor Cycles, Cycles and any personal items or furniture, (non-exhaustive). The Licensee is responsible for insuring any items stored in the garage.
  9. The Licensee (or through others) must not store in the garage any materials that are of a dangerous or flammable nature other than that contained in the petrol tank of the vehicle. This includes such items as tins of paint, gas bottles and petrol containers (non-exhaustive). In addition no live stock can be kept in the garage at any time.
  10. Any damage caused to the garage or any defect in the garage which requires attention must be notified to Raven.
  11. The Licensee is responsible for the locks and keys and any cost incurred in having to change the locks and replace the keys for whatever reason.
  12. The Licensee will permit Raven, their Agents or workmen at all reasonable hours of the day, on receiving 48 hours’ notice in writing and on production of evidence of identity, to enter the garage at such times as Raven may specify for inspecting the garage or executing repairs or for any other lawful purpose.
  13. The Licensee must not assign the Licence or sublet the garage and in addition, must not use the garage as a property or for any other use other than as a garage and must not operate a business from the garage.
  14. The Licensee (or through others) must not park any boat, caravan, trailer, large commercial vehicle or any untaxed or unroadworthy vehicles, at or within the locality of the garage.
  15. The Licensee must not (or through others) make any alterations to the garage, remove walls to gain access to another garage or at all, suspend anything from the roof of the garage or store anything on the roof of the garage, do anything in, upon or within the locality of the garage, turning area or access road which may cause any nuisance, annoyance or obstruction to emergency services, the customers of neighbouring garages or residents in the locality of the garage, dispose of any waste material or oil on the garage site or within the locality of the garage (including drains), fly tip any items onto the garage site or within the locality of the garage, carry out repairs in the garage or within the locality of the garage other than repairs to their own vehicle, which are of a minor nature.
  16. The Licensee should not (or through others) cause any anti-social behaviour or undertake any criminal activity from the garage or within the locality of the garage.
  17. The garage should be left in a clean, satisfactory and tidy condition and clear of all items at the termination of the agreement. Failure to do so will result in a charge for all costs incurred in returning the garage to a clear, satisfactory, clean and tidy condition.
  18. The Licensee must pay to Raven the costs incurred in executing any repairs caused by his/her wilful or negligent action.
  19. The Licensee should notify Raven of their change of address as Raven will use the details they have been given.
  20. Upon the ending of the Licence any debt owed by the Licensee is to be paid in full immediately. Failure to do so will lead to Raven referring the matter to a Debt Collection Agency. The Licensee will be contacted by any means possible to collect this debt and by signing this Licence, the Licensee agrees to Raven sharing any necessary information with third parties to facilitate the collection of this debt.
  21. For the avoidance of doubt Raven can terminate the Licence to the garage for whatever reason and at any time upon giving the Licensee one clear week’s Notice to Quit expiring at 12 noon on a Monday.


Any questions?

If you have any questions about renting a garage or parking space from us, then please email or call 0300 123 3399

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