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Here’s some more stories of how we’ve supported people in sheltered housing…

“I now feel safe, secure and independent, all at the same time.”

My husband and I lived in a 3-bedroomed house through Raven for 56 years, where we raised our son and daughter. Years after my children had flown the nest, my husband sadly passed away. I then started to struggle a lot more with day-to-day life and the stairs.

During the pandemic I received a call from a lovely lady in Customer Services, checking I was ok. They told me about SOS (Sheltered Outreach Service) which is available to anyone who has a general need over the age of 55.

Later that week Georgia, my Support Co-ordinator, came to visit me in my home to explain all about the service. On signing up it meant someone now called me Monday to Friday mornings and popped in to see me every other week.

I later explained to Georgia that the house was getting too much for me and I was struggling with the stairs. She then helped me to get on the housing register to move into sheltered accommodation.

I am now settled in a lovely 1-bedroomed flat within the same area. Thanks to Georgia I now feel safe, secure and independent, all at the same time.

*Name changed to respect the privacy of the individual

“I am so thankful to everyone for their help, and I now feel like I can manage my home myself.”

I have lived in the Redhill area for a few years now. Since the loss of my son, which has affected my mental health, life has become a struggle. As a result, I started hoarding and collecting things, as this made me feel better at the time. On a visit from my support coordinator, she realised how bad the situation had become which was actually now a fire risk. My tenancy officer started to work with my support coordinator and me to help me start to clear my home so it was no longer a fire risk. A team from Raven spent the day with me to help me get started on clearing and sorting my things. I used to have to sleep on my sofa because I couldn’t reach my bed. From this day on I have managed to sleep in my bed every night, which has helped my mental and physical health no end. I am no longer ashamed to have my family and friends over to visit.

I am so thankful to everyone for their help, and I now feel like I can manage my home myself.

*Name changed to respect the privacy of the individual

“Even though sheltered housing is independent living, I still feel really supported by the whole team who are just wonderful!”

Before I moved into sheltered accommodation, I had lived in a 2 bedroomed house with my Mum in Merstham since 1956. My Mum sadly passed away and even though I had good neighbours I still felt isolated. I also had a stroke due to the my recent upset and stress, which affected my speech.

One day I called Customer Services for someone to help me with my aerial connection. They sent someone from the Digital Inclusion team who saw I clearly wasn’t coping. I was then referred to the housing register for sheltered accommodation. Parachute (eviction support) also helped me with my move into sheltered housing in Merstham.

On move day I was met by Christine, my Support Coordinator, who helped me to furnish my new home which really helped me settle in. Since moving I’ve made lots of friends and no longer feel isolated. I even have a mobility scooter which gives me the freedom to go wherever I want.

Even though sheltered housing is independent living, I still feel really supported by the whole team who are just wonderful!

*Name changed to respect the privacy of the individual

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