Find our more about preventing condensation and what to do if you notice mould in your home here

We offer an enhanced support service, generally for over 55 year olds, which is tailored to every individual and their changing needs. You don’t have to be living in one of our sheltered schemes, or even be an existing customer, to benefit from this service. It’s open to anyone who meets the criteria, which will be reviewed by a member of our team following enquiry.

This enhanced support is referred to as our SOS service, which stands for Sheltered Outreach Support. If you’re an older person who wishes to receive support within your home and community we can provide the service for as long as you need it.

Our scheme’s support coordinators have a wealth of knowledge and years of experience. They also undertake regular training on relevant topics, such as benefits, and can make referrals to our Moneywise team for extra support and advice.

They can help with all kinds of things, such as:

  • Daily care so you can stay independent in your home
  • Benefits and health advice, for example helping you contact Citizens Advise Bureau, Age UK, Adult Social Services, doctors and other community healthcare agencies
  • Taking up a new hobby or interest
  • Downsizing and applying for sheltered accommodation
  • Regular welfare calls and home visits from a friendly face

To find out more please download and view the leaflet below:

Enhanced support leaflet (PDF)


Please contact us in the usual way. You’ll then meet with one of the team at a convenient time for you to discuss the service and what we can offer.

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