Find our more about preventing condensation and what to do if you notice mould in your home here

We believe that everyone should be able to live their lives without fear. Abuse and harassment have a hugely negative effect on society in general and unfortunately sometimes this includes our customers.

For those who are brave enough to speak out against abuse, we will stand by and support you.

We actively encourage you to report any concerns and have seen an increase in customers coming forward to report abuse. We believe that being open about the problem is the best way to tackle it.

If anyone reports concerns to us we treat all allegations of abuse seriously and will investigate each report as thoroughly as we can, using the information provided. We work closely with statutory partners and if we believe that someone is in danger or at risk, we have a responsibility to report matters to them. In the first instance, we will always try to speak to the person reported as being in danger, with their safety as our top priority.

We have a confidential reporting email, and only staff who are trained to deal with reports of abuse and harassment can access this.

The first point of contact for any concerns should be your local police, who will act swiftly if there is an immediate risk.

If you have concerns to raise with us, please contact us in confidence or email

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