Our Moneywise team can help you with

  • Applying for benefits you might be entitled to
  • Challenging incorrect decisions about benefits
  • Helping with notifying changes in circumstance
  • Applying for grants or schemes – including grants to help you pay utility bills
  • Understanding your spending and suggesting ways to reduce your expenditure
  • Understanding priority and non-priority debts
  • Comparing your current utility providers with a range of others to see if you can get a better deal
  • Opening a bank account
  • Accessing other organisations that might be able to help you.

You can contact the Moneywise team by filling out a form through your MyRaven online account.

Request Moneywise support

It can sometimes be helpful to work out what money you have coming in and what you have going out by making a list of income and spending each month.

The Money Helper website provided by the Money Advice Service have a useful budget calculator on their website. Click on the button below to access it:

Budget calculator

There are ways of reducing how much you spend. You may be able to find cheaper deals on your utilities like gas, electricity, telephone, mobile phone or TV package.

You may be entitled to a reduction in your water bills if you are on a low income. Discounted water schemes are offered by water companies like SES Water, Southern Water, and Thames Water.

If you’re struggling with paying your water bill you may be entitled to help from your water company.
They have schemes such as the social tariff that can help you if you’re on a low income.

For more information about these schemes if you are an SES Water customer:


or if you’re a Southern Water customer:


If you’re faced with overwhelming debt, you can contact Reigate and Banstead Citizens Advice Bureau on 0808 278 7945. This is a free, independent, confidential advice service regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

You may also choose to seek advice from other agencies, or a Citizens Advice nearer to you.

You can also visit the National Debtline via their website or by calling 0808 808 4000.

Some items of expenditure should be prioritised over others. This is because of the consequences of not paying them, we’ve summarised them for you here:

Type of debt What could happen if you don’t pay
Rent, mortgage or service charges You could lose your home
Council tax You could have money taken from your wages or benefits, bailiffs could seize possessions, or you could go to prison
TV licence You could have money taken from your wages or benefits, bailiffs could seize possessions, or you could go to prison
Electricity or gas Your supply could be cut off
Magistrates court fine You could go to prison
Water bills You could get a County Court Judgment, bailiffs could seize your possessions
Catalogues, credit cards, overdrafts, personal loans, store cards. mobile phone debt You could be sued in the county court and could end up with a County Court Judgment, which would be likely to affect your credit rating

We want to work with you to ensure none of the above happens. If you’re struggling to pay your rent, please request an email/call back from your income officer by raising an enquiry on your MyRaven online account. You can access this by clicking the button below and then selecting ‘Manage account’ from your current agreement, select ‘Request contact’ and choose your preferred method of communication.

Request contact with my income officer

Cost of living crisis

We know many of you are worried about paying your rent and bills, especially with the increase in energy prices and the cost of living. We want to reassure you that no one will be evicted from their home as a result of financial hardship, this is as long as you continue to talk to us and accept the support offered. Legal action is only taken as a last resort where we are unable to come to an affordable payment arrangement and we will always try to discuss this with you before taking action.

Emma’s story

This video shows Emma’s story of the support she received from the Moneywise team:

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