Find our more about preventing condensation and what to do if you notice mould in your home here

We use a range of employment techniques to provide the help and advice you may need to find work. This support includes:

  • 121 dedicated Employment Adviser, workshops and network sessions
  • Identifying what barriers are stopping you from finding work
  • Accessing quality volunteering, work experience and training opportunities to build your knowledge, skills and confidence
  • Information, advice and guidance about your CV, interviews and your work life skills
  • Guidance on maintaining employment, upskilling and building your career path

work smart Surrey and Sussex logo

Work Smart Surrey and Sussex is a partnership project which aims to reduce the barriers that you might be facing to get a job or better paid work. We are here to help you identify what you need and support you to achieve each step.

Who can join – If you live in East Surrey, Epsom or West Sussex and you’re not currently employed but want to get into work, you will be eligible.

If you currently work part or full-time but still need support from Universal Credit for housing and day to day costs you may also be eligible.

How to join – You can be referred by any Raven staff member or via any of our partners. You can also self-refer to the project via this link:

Employment self-referral form

What takes place – Your 121 support will be a mixture of remote contacts by phone, email and text as well as in person sessions, training and networking. The timing and ways we will help will be agreed with your advisor to best meet your needs.

You will agree an action plan to move through the steps to achieve your goals. These could include, updating your CV, a skills audit, career mapping and lining you up with vacancies, employers and volunteering to build skills and experiences.

Our partners are Saxon Weald and Town & Country Housing, East Surrey College, Reigate and Banstead Borough Council (RBBC) and Good Company charity.

Funded through the National Lottery Community Fund, Raven Housing Trust and contributions from Saxon Weald and Town & Country Housing Associations. This programme is open to the local communities we serve.

For employers

We are actively seeking local employers and charities to partner with us; to help provide upskilling through work placement and volunteering opportunities as well as matching potential candidates with their vacant roles for the benefit of both the employer and the new employee.

Committed partnerships play a crucial role in achieving these goals. By collaborating with good local partners, we want to leverage a range of strengths and resources to support our delivery and help meet local needs. This collaboration helps us create more opportunities, build resilience and support career success for all involved.

For further information please contact Darren Williams on or 07930280592.

community funded logo

Step-up to work is a paid work placement programme hosted by Raven which helps you to gain the skills and confidence needed in a specific field.

Various teams offer placements and you will get the support you need to turn skills into solid, on-the-job experience. It’s a safe and encouraging environment to gain new skills and develop your experience, preparing you for your next career step. It will also help with your future employability and the skills needed for the application and interview process for your next role. We’ve got a 79% success rate of people moving into permanent work roles.

Placements are for 12 months and are available to anyone from the local community looking for work who has been unemployed for at least three months. See vacancies for any current opportunities.

To find out more about our employment support programmes please email Or complete the employment support self-referral form.

Employment self-referral form

We’ve put together a ‘CV writing guide’ and ‘Example CV’ for you to download here.

CV writing guide

Example CV

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