We want to go above and beyond!

Providing easy to use, valued and trusted services, as well as more high quality, sustainable and affordable homes in strong communities.

We’ve recently launched our new three year plan, Delivering What Matters. We asked you, our customers, about the things that are most important to you as a Raven customer. Thank you to everyone who provided us with comments and feedback. We’ve used this to help us create our new three year plan – a plan that prioritises the services and areas that matter most to you. You can read more about Delivering What Matters here.

We’re transparent with our reporting so you can see how we’re achieving and how we’re performing against our strategic plan.

Our customer annual report

As part of our commitment to being open, transparent, and building on our value of trust, we produce a customer annual report each year.

This shows how we’re doing as an organisation, working towards our purpose of Building Homes, Changing Lives. It includes a breakdown of how your rent is spent, how we look after your home and the extra support we provide.

our story of the year 2023-24

Read our 2023-24 customer annual report here

You can read our 2022-23 customer annual report here.

Raven staff member with customers

Tenant Satisfaction Measures – how our customers think we’re doing

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Raven customers


Delivering What Matters – our current three year plan. How we’re doing

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Residents enjoying BBQ

Making the difference – how we did on our previous three year plan

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