Find our more about preventing condensation and what to do if you notice mould in your home here

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Delivering What Matters is our current three year plan. You can read more about it here.

How will we know if we’re succeeding?

We have created a set of measures that sits alongside our three year plan. Many of these measures are taken from the Tenant Satisfaction Measures but we have also included others that we think are important.

The table below shows the measures we have set. We’ll use these to help tell us whether the improvements we’re making are in fact delivering what matters, and improving our services to you, as a customer.

Here you can see what our performance was for each measure at the beginning of our plan, and the performance we want to be delivering by the end of our first year. To help make it easier to see how we’re doing, we have colour coded our performance red, amber or green. It’s early in our plan period, so for measures which are showing as red or amber, meaning we are not yet on track to deliver our target performance, we have actions in place to address this.


Baseline March ’24

Target March ’25

Q3 24/25 RAG = on track


Trusted 1.1 Trust Raven to do what is right (A07) 75% >75% 78.1%
Culture 2.1 Staff engagement 94% 94% 94%
2.2 Satisfaction that landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect (TSM TP08) 82% >82% 84.7%
Consistent Delivery for Customers 3.1 Overall customer satisfaction (TSM TP01) 80% Top quartile for peer group 84%
3.2 Overall customer satisfaction with repairs service (transactional) 79% >79% 84.8% (perception)
3.3 New: Complaints resolved within timescales stage 1 and 2 99%


100% Stage 1 – 100%

Stage 2 – 100%

3.4 Overall satisfaction from complaint handling (Explain Quarterly) 56% >56% 51.7% Many customers expressing dissatisfaction have not made a formal complaint. We continue to encourage formal complaints and continue to manage the complaint process well.
Good quality homes, clean and safe neighbourhoods 4. 1 % homes that meet our Home Quality Standard (yet to be set) To be designed Creating baseline
4. 2 % of homes that meet EPC C standard (or Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard) 86%

excludes 102 properties with no EPC data

89% 88.9%
4.3 Satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean, safe and well maintained (TSM TP10) 73% >73% 78.9%
4.4 Satisfaction with the landlords approach to handling anti-social behaviour (TSM TP12) 72% >72% 69.9% We have had difficulty maintaining a fully resourced team at a time of high demand which has affected our service. We are now fully resourced.
4.5 Satisfaction that the home is well maintained (TSM TP04) 78% >78% 81.7%
More homes, and much better matched to need 5.1 New homes delivered (cumulative from April 2024-2027) Cumulative 2021-24: 162 32 4 The Pells site completions have been delayed until next year, so we will only deliver 4 homes this year.
  5.2 Satisfaction with new home (lettings survey) 76% 85% 85%
  5.3 Number of decants where home better matches need To be designed Creating baseline
Value for Money 6.1 Satisfaction with Value for Money for rent 83% >83% 82%
  6.2 Social Return on Investment (ratio and total £) 1:6


> Baseline 1:3.9


Energy efficiency improvements and resolving damp and mould are a new additions to the activities we measure and they have a low social value return compared to other community investment activities. This has reduced out ratio of return.
  6.3 Operating costs per unit  (Raven definition) forecast for end of year To be calculated based on new definition £4,918 £5,238 Forecasting 6% higher than budget due to higher spend on repairing customers’ homes.
Environmental sustainability 7.1 Carbon emission reduction Baseline per Bioregional (July 2024) > Baseline Will be reported annually
ED&I 8.1 Staff feel leaders at Raven value different perspectives 95% 95% 95%
  8.2 Staff feel comfortable being themselves at work 95% 95% 95%
  8.3 % of customers for whom we hold complete data on protected characteristics * including homeowners 9% >50% 37%
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