Find our more about preventing condensation and what to do if you notice mould in your home here

Paying your mortgage

We understand that as a homeowner, you might be finding the increasing cost of living a challenge and you may have concerns about your mortgage fixed term coming to an end and increased mortgage payments moving forward.

There is support and advice available for you as a homeowner, to help with any concerns you have.

Be proactive!

If you can, start getting advice on re-mortgaging six months in advance of the end of your mortgage term. In some cases, you may be able to lock in a better deal ahead of time.

What if I’m struggling to pay my mortgage?

Talk to your mortgage lender as there are things they have in place to support you, you can visit their website or call them for more information. The government has also put together a Mortgage Charter to help homeowners with the options available to keep up with mortgage payments, we’ve pledged our commitment to this charter. Your lender will be able to advise if you’re eligible for the options in the charter.

Read the Mortgage Charter here 

What if I’m struggling to pay my rent and/or service charges?

Please remember that mortgage payments should be your priority and your rent and/or service charges to us a close second. If you’re concerned about keeping up with your rent and service charge payments, please contact our Homeownership Team on 0300 123 3399 as there are things we can do to help.

Support from our Moneywise team

We’re here to guide you with budgeting and checking your eligibility for any benefits or grants you maybe entitled to. Even if you’re working, there may still be some benefits you’re entitled to.  In the year 2022-23, the Moneywise team supported customers to apply for benefits and grants totalling £1.58 million – and they can help you too!

The support from our Moneywise team is free and completely confidential. You can arrange an initial chat with them through your MyRaven online account or by calling 0300 123 3399. Find out more about Moneywise here.

Our Moneywise team can also help you with an application to our Customer Support Fund. The fund is there to help you if you’re struggling to pay for new appliances, essential furniture, school uniform, heating costs and other often unexpected costs. Find out more here.

Our Moneywise team can also let you know about support you can get from other free advice agencies such as Citizens Advice Bureau and Community Debt Advice.

We provide help and support to lots of customers who need it and our services are free of charge and confidential to you as a homeowner. Please do get in touch with us, even if just for an initial chat about your worries and concerns.

Remember, we’re here to help.


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