Find our more about preventing condensation and what to do if you notice mould in your home here

To pay your service charges, you can do one of the following:

  • Log into your MyRaven online account to make a payment or setup a direct debit:
    Pay my charges
  • Complete the direct debit form
  • Transfer to our Barclays account: 73276376 Sort Code: 20 00 00.

Please quote your account number or address as a reference on all payments.

Your lease requires you to pay an annual ground rent and a proportion of the costs for managing and maintaining your building. These charges are invoiced either quarterly or six monthly.

All service charges are estimated for a 12-month period from April to March. We’ll issue you with an estimate in advance, usually late February, and when the year is complete we compare the estimated charges against the actual costs. We’ll send a further invoice if we under-estimated or a credit note if we over-estimated.

You usually have to pay within 21 or 28 days, but you can pay in monthly instalments by direct debit.

Your lease requires you to pay a monthly rent on the share of your home we still own, as well as a proportion of the costs for managing and maintaining your building. Most shared ownership leases require you to pay by direct debit every month. The service charge process is the same as that outlined for leaseholders above.

Your lease requires you to pay an annual ground rent and a proportion of the costs for managing and maintaining the communal areas and facilities, which are invoiced annually in advance. The lease allows you to pay the service charges in monthly instalments.

Maintenance costs on a leasehold home can be expensive and the cost of major work can reach thousands of pounds.

Therefore, when a leaseholder is going to be invoiced £250 or more for one-off work or £100 or more a year for an ongoing maintenance contract, we have to consult you, giving you estimated costs in advance.

When you receive this estimate we recommend you start to put money aside to help you budget for the cost.

However, we can agree repayment terms with you if the invoice may cause you financial hardship. Each situation is assessed on a case-by-case basis.

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