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Changing from sole to joint tenancy and vice versa

From sole to joint

There is no legal right to change a sole tenancy to joint names and, in most circumstances, we will turn down such requests. However, we will consider requests in these circumstances:

  • Married couples, civil partners, or those living as if civil partners
  • Other family members or friends who plan to live together permanently
  • Applicants nominated jointly by a local authority, or other agency.

However, you can add someone to your household record through your MyRaven online account.

Request to amend occupancy

If you want to give authority for us to discuss your tenancy with someone else, you will need to complete and sign the below form.

Request to give authority form (PDF)

From joint to sole

To request the change to a sole name, we require both tenants to request this change. If there are any tenancy breaches (for example rent arrears or active anti-social behaviour) the request may be refused. We will then advise you what happens next and any other information that we may need for this request to be considered. You can start the process by making a request through your MyRaven online account.

Request about my tenancy

If domestic abuse is involved and one tenant is taking legal action to exclude the other, then they should also ask the court to make an order about the tenancy, changing it to the name of the person who is staying in the home. This is the only way to make this change without involving both parties.

Succession – passing on a tenancy after death

When a joint tenant dies, the other tenant automatically takes over the tenancy.

When a sole tenant dies, a partner may also be able to succeed automatically, provided they can show that they lived with the tenant at the time of their death.

Some tenancies allow other family members to succeed – it is important to check what your tenancy agreement says in the section on succession.

Assigning your tenancy to someone else

If you assign your tenancy, you give that tenancy to the other person. You give up your legal rights and responsibilities, and these pass over to the other person.

Assignment is not allowed where a tenancy is assured shorthold, so this only applies to assured tenancies.

We will consider assignment requests where:

  • The person being assigned to would have succeeded if the current tenant had died.
  • A court has ordered the assignment in the matrimonial or family court.

The person wishing to take over the tenancy must be living in the home as their principal or only home.

If you have a query on anything to do with changing your tenancy and how it may vary for your particular tenancy, you can raise this through your MyRaven online account.

Request about my tenancy

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