Find our more about preventing condensation and what to do if you notice mould in your home here

When you’ve been offered a new home with us there are certain procedures we’ll follow.

  1. 1

    Before you move in

    Once you’ve been made an offer for your new home, we’ll contact you to arrange for the completion of necessary documents.

    We’ll make arrangements with you to sign your tenancy agreement, which is a legally binding document.

    You’ll be expected to pay one week’s full rent (or one month for monthly tenancies) before you sign the tenancy agreement and before we give you the keys to your home. This initial payment applies even if your rent will be covered by benefits.

  2. 2

    When you move in

    When giving you your welcome pack and keys we’ll run through the basic “do’s & don’ts” and who to contact for a variety of issues, such as who your tenancy services officer is and how to arrange to have your gas turned on and tested (if applicable). We’ll also supply you with essential information for you to read and retain for future use.

    Gas information

  3. 3

    After you’ve moved in

    Shortly after moving in, we’ll arrange to visit you at home. At this meeting we’ll check that you have settled in, have received a rent card or direct debit confirmation and that you have arranged contents insurance. We’ve teamed up with Thistle Tenant Risks who provide the My Home Contents Insurance. This visit will also be an opportunity to talk through any issues relating to your tenancy so far and ask if you need any further advice or have any other queries.

    Depending on your tenancy type, we may carry out further regular visits within the first year of your tenancy.

    Remember to follow us on Facebook and X (used to be Twitter) for the latest Raven news and to find out what’s happening in your local area.

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