Find our more about preventing condensation and what to do if you notice mould in your home here

We are sorry when customers leave us, but when you are moving home you need to know the following important information:

  • Whatever type of tenancy you have, you need to give us four weeks’ notice of leaving. Fill in the Termination of tenancy form. Please return this to us via email or drop the completed form into our office.
  • Your keys need to be handed in and your home vacated before the tenancy is ended
  • We will inspect your home before the tenancy comes to an end to advise if any work is necessary – see our ‘Returning my home guide’ leaflet (on right side of page) for details of how your home should be left and what estimate costs you may be liable for
  • If any items, such as furniture, are left behind and need to be cleared before it can be re-let, then you will be have to pay the cost of clearance.

See our customer journey video of a Raven tenant, for some useful information on when you leave your home with us…

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