Find our more about preventing condensation and what to do if you notice mould in your home here

We’re continually undertaking works and fire safety related inspections such as fire risk assessments (FRA), inspections of fire doors and maintenance of fire detection systems (smoke detectors, heat detectors, carbon monoxide detectors and firefighting equipment). If we identify any fire risks on our regular inspections, we provide specialist contractors and a highly trained workforce to rectify these. We’re also undertaking a comprehensive door-set renewal programme fitting fire doors including frames, smoke seals and firestop intumescent strips and door closers. It’s crucial to not remove door closers from your flat door which are required by government guidelines.

FRA reports are available on request, please request a copy through your MyRaven online account.

Request copy of FRA report

See our fire safety video for more information about staying safe. has been blocked due to your cookie preferences, you can change those by clicking on the cookie button on any page.
  • Stay calm and act quickly – tell everyone in your home to get out.
  • Don’t waste time trying to take valuables with you.
  • Close all doors behind you to try and contain the fire.
  • Call 999, giving your full address. Never try to tackle a fire yourself!
  • Call 999 immediately.
  • Stay in a room far away from the fire and wait for the fire service to arrive.
  • If you can’t get to a phone, open a window and shout for help.
  • Put towels or bedding (wet if possible) around the bottom of the door to reduce the smoke getting in.
  • Be aware of where your fire exits are.
  • Have an escape plan – it’s important that you make a plan so you know what to do in the event of a fire. Practice your escape route so everyone knows what to do and how to get out.

Test your smoke/heat/carbon monoxide alarms – make sure you have working alarms and test them monthly. If they are broken or faulty, let us know as soon as possible by booking a repair on your MyRaven online account or by calling 0300 123 3399. Our gas contractor Gas Call Services service all the fire and smoke detectors every year when they undertake the annual gas checks. For those homes that don’t have domestic gas boilers, fire and smoke detector checks are carried out by either our in house electrical team of specialist sub-contractors.

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How to test your smoke alarm has been blocked due to your cookie preferences, you can change those by clicking on the cookie button on any page.
  • It’s safer to not smoke indoors, but never smoke in bed or anywhere you might fall asleep.
  • Smoke outside in the open air and make sure cigarettes are put right out.
  • Don’t leave a lit cigarette unattended.
  • Use proper ashtrays and never throw hot ash into the bin.
  • Keep matches and lighters well out of the reach of children.
  • Candles etc. should be placed in heat-resistant holders, away from curtains and furniture, and never leave them unattended.
  • Keep heaters at least a metre away from you and well away from anything which could catch fire.
  • Don’t overload electrical sockets or use multiple adaptors in outlet sockets.
  • Never leave pans unattended when cooking. Don’t cook if you are tired, have been drinking alcohol or taken medication that might make you drowsy.
  • When you go to bed, only leave essential appliances switched on such as the fridge or freezer, turn all others off. Check your cooker and heaters are turned off.
  • Be aware of where your fire exits are.
  • Have an escape plan, which you practice and make sure all those living with you know what it is.
  • Keep communal areas and balconies clear from combustible materials and items so they don’t block your escape and cause a fire risk.
  • Always keep door and window keys where everyone can find them.
  • Be aware of the fire escape strategy in your building. You can find fire notices with required information displayed across the communal areas.
  • ‘Stay Put’ strategy – means you should stay in your home unless you feel affected by the fire and should therefore evacuate, such as smoke in your home from the neighbouring flat.
  • ‘Simultaneous Evacuation’ strategy – means all persons must evacuate the building in the event of a fire.
  • If you’re in a communal area of the building, leave and call 999.
  • However, if you’re unsure, feel unsafe, can see flames or smell smoke then leave your flat and exit the building.


In the event of a fire call 999, and use the stairs not lifts to escape. If your escape route is not clear then find a safe room, close the door and block any gaps until help arrives.

Fire safety at The Dome

We have a leaflet that explains what you should do in the event of a fire if you live at The Dome in Redhill.

It’s important that you know and understand this fire strategy, please get in touch with us if you’re unsure, need help with the guidelines or would like a hard copy of this leaflet. You can call us on 0300 123 3399 or email

The Dome fire safety information leaflet click here

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