Home safety FAQs
How can I book my annual gas safety check?
Our gas contractors Sureserve Compliance (formerly known as Gas Call Services) will write to you ten months after your last gas safety check. The letter will offer you an am or pm slot on a specific date, or the opportunity to call them to arrange an appointment. See gas and electrical safety checks for more information.
How can I get a copy of a safety certificate for my home?
You can ask for a copy of the certificate at the time of inspection. Alternatively, you can request this through your MyRaven online account.
Why do I have to let you into my home for safety checks?
It’s our legal duty to gain access to your home to undertake certain work. This ‘essential maintenance’ work includes checks for gas, electrical, asbestos and Legionella. Your tenancy agreement also states you must allow us in to carry out these important safety checks.
My smoke alarm isn’t working properly, what should I do?
You should report this immediately via your MyRaven online account or by calling 0300 123 3399. If it’s battery operated then check the battery doesn’t need replacing first.