Dropped kerbs
A dropped kerb allows you to access your home safety and easily from the main road using your car or another domestic vehicle. The process involves lowering the kerb and reinforcing the pavement or verge to take the weight of a car and avoid damage to pipes or cables underneath.
The application process
If you want the dropped kerb or ‘crossover’ to go onto Raven land, you will need an agreement called an ‘easement’. Easements are a legal process and usually take around six months. All applications are reviewed by us, but it’s important to note that not all applications will be approved. If an application involves a footpath or land owned by the council, you will need to get permission from them too.
Here are some links to guidance on vehicle crossovers:
Reigate and Banstead Borough Council guidance
Surrey County Council guidance
Once you have the required permissions, you’ll need to pay for a valuation which we will obtain from our appointed Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) valuer. It’s your responsibility to appoint your own solicitor.
- Valuation of land by an independent chartered surveyor -approximately £225 plus VAT (£425 plus VAT if a site visit is required).
- Actual value of easement – £1,000 upwards.
- Our legal costs – standard fee £800 plus VAT and disbursements (subject to the nature of the easement, the required work to grant it and the process being completed in reasonable time).
- Our administration fee – £300 plus VAT.
Please remember to include an allowance for your own legal fees.