Find our more about preventing condensation and what to do if you notice mould in your home here

Our grounds maintenance contractors respond to the individual needs of each area so that quality is maintained all year round, rather than making routine visits. Please note, that we don’t carry out any major work on hedges during bird nesting season which is between March 1 and July 31. See green spaces and trees for more information.

We carry out work on trees on communal land in line with our tree policy (contact us to request a copy). This ensures that trees are in a good condition.

Trees in private gardens are the responsibility of the tenant. If a tree in a tenant’s garden is dead, dying, or dangerous then we will survey the tree to confirm this and then, where needed, carry out the appropriate works.

Raven do not carry out works on trees to allow more light or for TV signal.

If a tree, hedge or any vegetation is overhanging into your garden then your have the right to cut this back to your boundary line. Once complete, you must ask the owner of the tree etc. if they would like the cuttings. If they do not, it is your responsibility to dispose of them. Do not throw cuttings back over the fence as this can be considered criminal damage.

You may wish to ask the owner of the tree etc. if they would consider doing the work, but they are under no obligation to do so.

You will need to contact your local council about issues relating to missed bin collections as this is their responsibility. New or extra individual bins need to be requested through the council. If you need a replacement communal bin or the existing communal bin is damaged, please let us know through the MyRaven customer portal.

Report communal bin issue

Our neighbourhood wardens can investigate fly tipping offences and if this happens on Raven land they will arrange for its removal. Please report this through the MyRaven customer portal.

Report fly tipping

If the vehicle is on Raven land, we can put a notice on it requiring the registered keeper to tax and MOT it within 14 days or it will be removed. You can report an abandoned or unroadworthy vehicle to us through the MyRaven customer portal.

Report a vehicle

This should be directed to CPM, our management company for parking, by emailing or calling 0345 463 5050.

UK Car Park Management website

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