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Checking your next visit from the Groundscapes

To find out when your next visit is due from Groundscapes, our ground maintenance contractor, please enter your postcode below. This will show you when your next visit is due as well as when Groundscapes last carried out work in your area.

Dates shown are week commencing and may be subject to change due to adverse weather conditions, health and safety concerns or other emergency situations. We’ll update the schedule with new dates as soon as we are able to.

If the area is within the standards shown in our grounds maintenance photobook when Groundscapes arrive, they may not carry out work on that day and the schedule will be updated.


As part of our services we:

  • Maintain the grounds and trees on land owned and managed by us. This is usually on estates but can include some areas of woodland and grassed areas.
  • Respond to the individual needs of each area so that quality is maintained all year round. We don’t carry out any major work on hedges during bird nesting season between April and the end of August.
  • Carefully monitor the performance of our contractors against set quality standards, using their feedback and feedback from our customers.
  • Keep costs down by not collecting or removing grass clippings. This can be done but would incur an extra cost, so all those affected would need to agree to meet this.
  • Use a low-chemical spray to gradually eradicate weeds on pathways and pavements, with dead weeds then being removed within two weeks.
  • Undertake annual tree surveys on one third of our trees, with those in most need of work taking highest priority in our work programme. Please note, we do not undertake routine trimming to trees in private gardens.

Grass cutting

  • Grass cutting is seasonal and weather permitting. Grass cutting started for the year on Monday 18th March 2024
  • The grounds team are assessing the wetness of the grass when they are on site.
  • The team as a rule are only cutting grass if they can cut 50% or more of the area. No less
  • Please be patient as the team are only cutting if the area is dry enough to prevent damage.

Please note

  • Hedges will be cut twice a year. April to the end of August is bird nesting season, so we cannot cut during these months
  • Shrubs and flower beds will be visited between spring and November

If you have a grass cutting request, please let us know through the MyRaven customer portal or contact us in the usual way.

Grounds maintenance standards

This grounds maintenance photobook document sets out what standards you can expect from the shared outdoor area around your home.


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