Find our more about preventing condensation and what to do if you notice mould in your home here

Using our website

If you struggle with reading, have a visual impairment, or prefer to read in your own language –

The ReachDeck Toolbar can help.

We want as many people as possible to be able to use our website, so we’ve made the text as simple as possible to understand and have installed the Reachdeck Toolbar.

If you have a disability and need further advice on making your device easier to use, please visit by clicking on the button below:


Using the Reachdeck Toolbar

Click on the round orange button (with the silhouette of a person in white) that you can see in the header of all our website pages to launch the ReachDeck Toolbar. You’ll see it dock to the top of your screen. Now click on the first ‘pointed finger’ icon on that toolbar and hover your mouse pointer over any text on our site to hear it read out loud.

How does the ReachDeck Toolbar help?

The ReachDeck Toolbar will help you to read and translate the content on our website. Its features include:

  • Text-to-speech: click on or select any text to hear it read aloud
  • Translation: translate content into over 100 languages
  • Text magnification: enlarge text and hear it read out loud
  • Mp3 generation: convert selected text into an MP3 audio file
  • Screen mask: reduce glare with a tinted mask
  • Web page simplifier: remove clutter from the screen. Display only the main text.

Here’s a Reachdeck toolbar user guide for further guidance, or watch this insightful video. has been blocked due to your cookie preferences, you can change those by clicking on the cookie button on any page.

Below is a guide to how we can accommodate to your needs

For any customer who would like an advocate or representative to act on their behalf or be present for interactions with Raven, please call us on 0300 123 3399 to request a consent form.

Visually impaired

  • Large print
  • Read aloud (website and MyRaven customer portal)
  • Large font (website and MyRaven customer portal)

Feedback and get in touch

Customer feedback is important to us and we’re always looking for ways to improve the accessibility of our website. If you discover a part of our website that has been difficult to use, please let us know.

Likewise, if you need information in a different format like an accessible PDF, large print or braille, or to let us know about your needs then please contact us and we’ll do our best to help.

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