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Date approved: February 2024
Review date: February 2025

Please be aware that this full policy may include acronyms or technical jargon used internally within Raven. If you have any questions, please contact us.

1. Purpose of the policy

1.1. To deal with the increasing use of electric vehicles and the requirements that customers may need in applying to Raven Housing Trust to install EV chargers at their residences.

1.2. To ensure the decisions made support Raven’s Sustainability Policy 2019 which encourages the use and adoption of electric vehicles.

2. Scope of the policy

2.1. To state the exact conditions required for permission to be granted to install an EV Charger at a Raven customer’s residence.

Detailed policy content

  • The requirements to install an EV charger in the UK are:
    Off-street parking must be available (including a driveway, carport, or garage)
  • You should be the legal property owner or have written permission from the owner.
  • Installation is completed by a qualified electrician.
  • The charger will need to be connected to Wi-Fi; this is a requirement for Smart charger functionality.
  • The charging unit is a minimum of 2 metres from a public road.
  • A compliance certificate should be provided by your installer once the unit is in place.
  • There must be accessibility to a fuse box.
  • No upstand that exceeds 2.3 metres is permitted.

Additional conditions of Raven Housing Trust

  • Permission will only be granted if you already have a dropped kerb and/or hardstanding in a suitable location close to your property.
  • Permission will not be granted if you live in a flat/apartment/maisonette (subject to the above condition) because you must have legal entitlement to a parking space and because charging cables cannot be placed over public/private land outside your demise (such as pavements or communal grounds) , even temporarily. Raven will assess each development to see the feasibility of communal EV chargers under its Sustainability Policy. Customers and tenants will be advised of our proposals as and when completed. Please note that not all housing developments are suitable for EV chargers due to location, design requirements and/or costs.
  • You must write to us with your plans and obtain our prior written permission before starting any work. Asbestos may be present in your home and is hazardous if disturbed. More information about asbestos can be found on our website.
  • Permission is also required if you wish to claim for a contribution towards the cost of the installation through the government grant scheme Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme.
  • All EV chargers must be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
  • You must not be in breach of your Tenancy Conditions (i.e. no court action for rent arrears)
  • No costs associated with the works will be payable by Raven Housing Trust at any point for either installation, maintenance, or removal as appropriate. Should Raven Housing Trust be required to do any work on the property in relation to the EV Charger a recharge will be applicable.
  • Once an EV Charger is installed and the customer leaves the property, they must either remove the EV Charger by a competent contractor and make good or leave the EV charger in situ in a working condition.
  • Should a customer move to a property which already has a working EV Charger they must sign to accept full liability for the EV charger for the duration of their tenancy.

If permission is granted

Your electric vehicle charging point must only be installed by a skilled person registered with a competent person’s scheme.

  • Charge point installations must be in accordance with:
    • BS EN 61851-1:2019
    • The current edition of the IET Wiring Regulations – currently BS 7671:2018+A2:2022
    • The recommendations of the IET Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installations (as amended)
    • The Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations
    • The installation should consider the requirements of BS 8300:2009+A1:2010 and the requirements of disabled people.
  • The final installation shall be in accordance with the current edition of the Building Regulations Part P (Electrical Safety – Dwellings).
  • Equipment installed shall meet the applicable minimum IP ratings set out in BS EN 61851-1:2019 and BS 7671:2018 according to the usage location.
  • The electrical supply of the final installation should allow the charging equipment to operate at full rated capacity. Where local supply constraints prevent operation at full rated capacity, the charging equipment shall be classified according to actual output capacity.
  • The charge point installers must also notify the relevant Distribution Network Operator (DNO) directly of the installation of a charge point. Full guidance for the electric vehicle connection process can be found on the Energy Networks Association (ENA) website. This is to minimise the chance of power quality issues to electricity customers.
  • A copy of the Electrical Installation Certificate must be provided to Raven on completion of works along with the make and model of the charger unit and a clear photo of the installed charging point.
  • EIC + Building Control Notifications will be required from the installer.
  • The liability and maintenance for the EV charger, during and post installation rests solely with the customer/tenant
  • Raven reserve the right to remove any installation that it finds to be done below the required standard and re-charge the costs to the customer/tenant.
  • If the required improvement causes a nuisance to others, permission may be withdrawn

Please note you do not need planning permission to locate a charger for off street parking unless the property is a listed building.

3. Applicability

The policy applies to all tenants and shared owners who live in a property owned/part owned by Raven Housing Trust, who apply for the installation of an EV charger, with an accompanying TDI application, at their residence.

4. Definitions


5. Related policies and references for more information

  • Sustainability policy 2019

6. Implementation procedures

6.1. The policy is to be followed upon any application by a qualifying resident for the installation of an EV charger at their residence. The policy should be accessible upon Raven’s website in order to advise customers of the qualifying criteria for an EV charger and (ideally) reduce applications which are not suitable.


7. Policy impact

The policy will encourage the use of electric vehicles in line with Raven’s own Sustainability policy (2019) and is designed to facilitate the permission of electric chargers except when conditions cannot be satisfied. The policy does disadvantage customers who are not in houses due to the nature of the installation and conditions required to satisfy an application. Raven will look to minimise this impact by assessing all flat schemes for the installation of communal chargers based on demand, budgetary consents, and feasibility.

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