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Raven is committed to ensuring that customers who are disabled or vulnerable (through their life circumstances) aren’t at a disadvantage when accessing our services. We will make reasonable adjustments to give everybody an equitable outcome.

A reasonable adjustment can be:

  • A physical alternation to one of our homes (eg, fitting handrails or a ramp)
  • A change to the way we usually do things
  • An adjustment in how we communicate

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If you’d like request a reasonable adjustment please contact Customer Services on 0300 123 3399 or


Date approved: November 2024
Review date: November 2027

See below for the full policy, but please be aware this may include acronyms or technical jargon used internally within Raven. If you have any questions, please contact us.

1. Purpose of policy

1.1. Raven is committed to making sure that disabled customers or customers with additional needs are not disadvantaged when accessing our services and are able to live well in their Raven homes. At Raven we celebrate diversity and welcome all opportunities to accommodate the needs of our customers. This policy describes our approach to making reasonable adjustments.

2. Scope of the policy

2.1. This policy defines what a ‘reasonable adjustment’ is, in what type of circumstances we’ll make them, and how residents can request them.

2.2. This policy applies to all Raven customers and registered members of their household. This encompasses general needs, temporary, sheltered, shared owners and leaseholders. The type of reasonable adjustment we provide may depend on the type of tenancy or lease.

3. Policy statement

3.1. This policy details how we’ll carry out our legal obligation under the Equality Act 2010 to make reasonable adjustments for people with disabilities. We are committed to ensuring all our customers have equal access to our services whatever their circumstances and one of the ways we do this is through reasonable adjustments to remove barriers or reduce any disadvantage.

3.2. This policy also applies to customers with additional needs: people who do not have a disability, but who may have a condition, life circumstance or protected characteristic which means that they may need an adjustment to be able to access Raven’s services.

3.3. This policy sets out our definition of ‘reasonable’, provides an overview of the types of adjustments we will consider and how customers can request a reasonable adjustment. It is not practical to cover every scenario in which a reasonable adjustment may be considered within this policy, but we are committed to considering and adjusting services where appropriate, on a case-by-case basis in a sensitive, confidential and customer-centred way that ensures every customer is treated fairly and with dignity.

4. How we will identify disabilities and additional needs

4.1. Customers will be asked whether they or any household members have any disabilities or additional needs when they join Raven as a tenant, shared owner or leaseholder.

4.2. During any type of contact with Raven, staff may ask about any additional needs which the household has. Customers will also be encouraged to update their personal data via Raven’s portal.

4.3. Raven’s staff and contractors are expected to anticipate additional needs which customers may have. This could be from their own observations or by using the information available to them on the customer’s records.

4.4. The indicators below won’t necessarily mean that a customer has additional needs, but it is important for staff and contractors to be aware of these as early identification means that the customer will receive any necessary help as soon as possible:

  • Protected characteristics – age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.
  • Health and ability – physical health impairment, sensory impairment, learning disability, mental health issues, developmental condition, and addiction.
  • Neurodiversity – natural variations in the way the way the brain works, including autism +366m, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia and Tourette’s.
  • Access and skills – lack of language, literacy, numeracy, digital access, and technical skills.
  • Personal circumstances – major life events such as bereavement, redundancy, loss of income, divorce or a relationship breakdown, being the victim of domestic abuse, anti-social behaviour, or harassment.
  • Financial – low knowledge of financial matters or low confidence in managing money, difficulty in enduring financial or emotional shock due to debt or a one-off unexpected expense; low or unstable income.

4.5. Other indicators that further a reasonable adjustment could be offered to residents include:

  • Anti-social behaviour as a result of mental health issues
  • A repeated failure of non-engagement with correspondence or to answering the door when visited
  • Hoarding, self-neglect, or other behaviours that could cause harm to themselves or their property, and their home and/or garden becoming unfit for occupation
  • Erratic and unusual patterns of rent payments and falling into arrears when the resident previously had good payment history.

4.6. Safeguarding concerns will be raised with the relevant local authority in line with our Safeguarding Policy which sets out how we identify and support vulnerable adults and children at risk, and ensure statutory agencies are involved immediately we have a concern.

5. Keeping records of customer’s needs

5.1. We will record any known disability or additional needs on Raven’s customer database. This includes any communication or access needs, and whether there is anybody with delegated authority to speak on the customer’s behalf.

5.2. We will use ‘flags’ on the customer database which alert staff to the relevant disability or additional needs of that household and Raven will use this information to deliver services that meet their needs wherever possible, and access appropriate support.

5.3. The relevant staff will receive training on recording customer needs and how to use that information appropriately to adapt Raven services as required.

5.4. We will review this customer data periodically to make sure it is up to date.

6. What is a ‘reasonable’ adjustment?

6.1. A reasonable adjustment involves making a change to the way we usually do things to make sure that our services are accessible and equitable opportunity is available to all our customers. These adjustments may come in a variety of forms such as a physical alteration to our premises, changes or updates to our policies, procedures or ways services are operated, or adjusting how we communicate with customers to meet their specific needs.

6.2. In line with the Equality and Human Rights Commission guidance, we will use the following criteria when deciding whether an adjustment is reasonable or not:

  • How effective the adjustment(s) will be in assisting a resident with a disability and in preventing or reducing the possibility of them being at a disadvantage
  • The practicality of us making the adjustment(s)
  • The cost of the adjustment(s) and whether this is possible within our resources; and
  • Any disruption to the service that making the adjustment(s) may cause.

6.3. When providing a specific adjustment for an individual customer, we’ll discuss and confirm this with the customer or their representative to avoid making incorrect assumptions about a person’s needs. Where we’re unable to make a reasonable adjustment due to cost or resources, we’ll work together with the resident to find the best alternative solution for them.

6.4. Where a reasonable adjustment is complex, costly, and/or the impact is uncertain, the decision will be referred to the Head of the relevant department.

7. Examples of reasonable adjustments we offer

7.1. The adjustments Raven will make will vary depending on the needs of the customer and the situation. It’s not possible to provide a list of every reasonable adjustment but this section provides an overview of the more common adjustments that we provide for our customers.

7.2. Examples of the reasonable adjustments which Raven will consider are:

  • Providing information in alternative formats, for example in large print or Braille;
  • Offering interpretation through Language Line where a customer doesn’t speak English;
  • Allowing longer for customers to answer their door when we call for an appointment;
  • Giving a choice of a male or female member of staff to visit where required
  • Visits in person where we would normally provide a phone service;
  • Explain a letter over the phone or in person, in addition to sending it;
  • Offering flexible times for appointments;
  • Provide or refer for additional support for an ASB perpetrator with mental health issues

7.3. Where a customer requests to move to alternative accommodation, we will refer them to the Local Authority or transfer list. Management moves, are only available to customers who are at risk of death or serious injury from others as per our Management Move Procedure.

8.How to request a reasonable adjustment

8.1. Raven will make customers aware that we can make reasonable adjustments for them by advertising this on our website and communications. When providing services to customers, we will also ask them if they require any adjustments to make the service accessible.

8.2. Customers can request a reasonable adjustment from Raven by requesting the adjustment through the member of staff they are communicating with, or by contacting our Customer Services Centre.

9. Related policies and references for more information

a. Where there’s a risk of harm, abuse or neglect to residents, we’ll follow our safeguarding policies.

b. Where a customer is unhappy about a decision which has been made about a reasonable adjustment request, they can use Raven’s complaints procedure – Complaint Policy.

10. Implementation procedure

a. Our Aids and Adaptations procedure sets out how we’ll provide adaptations to help customers continue to live independently in their home. An adaptation is a physical alteration or addition to a home, designed to make it easier and safer for use for older customers, or people with a health condition or impairment.

b. Our Complaints procedure sets out how we will deal with customer complaints

c. Our Reasonable Adjustments decisions framework sets out our approach to how we make decisions, including when we refer to Heads of Service.

11. Policy impact

a. An Impact Assessment has been carried out on this policy. There are no negative impacts of the policy which need to be mitigated.

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