We want to use your experiences and your voice to shape our services to make your experience better. However you share your thoughts and feedback with us, we make it count because to us, Every Interaction Matters.

Shuna, our Customer Engagement Manager explains here why your opinion matters to us and a bit more about how we listen to your feedback.

How we gather and use your feedback

These are some of the ways we hear your voice

The Regulator of Social Housing requires us to report on Tenant Satisfaction Measures by gathering feedback from our customers through regular telephone surveys. You may receive a call from Explain, who are the independent research company we use to gather this feedback. We appreciate your time to answer these questions and we’ll be reporting on the first year of Tenant Satisfaction Measures later this year.

Find out more about Tenant Satisfaction Measures here.

When we’re working on new policies, procedures and projects we actively consult with customers to help shape our plans. We send out email surveys, hold focus groups and do interviews with customers to gather feedback. We appreciate your involvement when we ask you.

Want to make a difference? Want to help decide our priorities?

We have a group of customers who work closely with our leadership team and our Board. The group is involved in challenging our performance, working with us to influence our priorities and helping us to keep customers at the heart of our decision making.

What’s involved?

The panel meet around 8 times per year on Monday evenings from 6-7:30pm at Raven House in Redhill. There is flexibility to attend the meetings in person or virtually to fit around your personal commitments and even to dip in and out to join the conversations around the service areas that interest you. Travel and childcare expenses are also covered if needed.

We ask for a minimum of one year commitment to the group, with then option of extending this for up to three years.

What do I get in return?

We’ll offer you training and opportunities to attend seminars to develop your skills and knowledge, which are all transferable in employment.

We also offer a financial incentive at the end of the year, as a thank you for the time you’ve given up.

How do I sign up?

To register your interest and find out more, please complete the form on your MyRaven online account.


We know we don’t always get it right and when this happens we look to fix the issue and learn from what’s happened.

Make a complaint

What we’ve learned from complaints

It’s not just through complaints we learn and improve. We welcome compliments where you’ve been really happy with members of our team and the service we’ve provided. We also like to hear from you with ideas and suggestions for us to consider.

Tell us what you think!

Tell us how we’re doing through Trust Pilot. It’s free to use, open to everyone, and is built on transparency, just like us!

Review us on Trust Pilot

What we’re hearing

We’ve put together this infographic to show what we’ve heard from you in the last quarter. The themes and topics we hear through complaints and feedback help us to improve our services to you.

Every Interaction Matters data

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